Utilitarians past and present
Utilitarians, Proto-Utilitarians and Quasi-Utilitarians
- Jacob M Appel
- John Austin
- Samuel Bailey
- Alexander Bain
- Joseph Bankman
- Sam Bankman-Fried
- Jonathan Baron
- Cesare Beccaria
- George Bentham
- Jeremy Bentham
- Peregrine Bingham the Younger
- Bernard Bolzano
- Yves Bonnardel
- Richard_Brandt
- John Brown
- Edwin Chadwick
- Tyler Cowen
- John Collier
- Thomas Cooper
- Richard Cumberland
- Charles Darwin
- Julia Driver
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth
- Epicurus
- Henry Fawcett
- Thomas Fowler
- William Johnson Fox
- Milton Friedman
- John Gay
- Jonathan Glover
- William Godwin
- Dan Goldstick
- Robert E. Goodin
- Joshua Greene
- George Grote
- Esperanza Guisán
- R.M. Hare
- H.L.A. Hart
- Roy Harrod
- John Harsanyi
- Henry Hazlitt
- Anthony Hammond
- Claude Adrien Helvétius
- Richard Hildreth
- Baron d'Holbach
- Brad Hooker
- Francis Hutcheson
- Soame Jenyns
- William Stanley Jevons
- Shelly Kagan
- Eric Kaufmann
- Lawrence Krauss
- Ludvig Lindström
- Zell Kravinsky
- Helga Kuhse
- Edmund Law
- Richard Layard
- Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek
- Edward Livingston
- Lucretius
- William MacAskill
- James MacKaye
- Bernard Mandeville
- Alfred Marshall
- Jason Gaverick Matheny
- Dylan Matthews
- James Mill
- John Stuart Mill
- Harriet Taylor Mill
- Ludwig von Mises
- Ole Martin Moen
- G. E. Moore
- J. Howard Moore
- Mozi
- John Neal
- Yew-Kwang Ng
- Alastair Norcross
- David Olivier
- Michel Onfray
- Toby Ord
- William Paley
- David Pearce
- Steven Pinker
- Joseph Priestley
- Stuart Rachels
- Hastings_Rashdall
- Jacy Reese
- David Ricardo
- David George Ritchie
- Lionel Robbins
- Thomas Rutherforth
- Jean-Baptiste Say
- Bart Schultz
- Ching-Lai Sheng
- Henry Sidgwick
- J.J.C. Smart
- Thomas Southwood Smith
- Timothy Sprigge
- Leslie Stephen
- James Fitzjames Stephen
- John Sullivan
- Peter Singer
- Scott Sumner
- L.W. Sumner
- Torbjörn Tännsjö
- Thomas Perronet Thompson
- William Thompson
- Abraham Tucker
- Robert Wright
Utilitarian Bioethics
The Pinprick Argument
The Abolitionist Project
Some Utilitarian Memes